▼Nddc | The top-level namespace of DDC |
▼Nreducer | |
Cband | |
Cbor | |
Cbxor | |
Cland | |
Clor | |
Cmax | |
Cmin | |
Cminmax | |
Cprod | |
Csum | |
▼CAlignedAllocator | |
Crebind | |
Ccartesian_prod | |
Ccartesian_prod< DiscreteDomain< DDims... > > | |
Ccartesian_prod< DiscreteDomain< DDims1... >, DiscreteDomain< DDims2... >, DDomsTail... > | |
Ccartesian_prod<> | |
CChunk | |
CChunk< ElementType, DiscreteDomain< DDims... >, Allocator > | |
Cchunk_traits | |
CChunkCommon | |
CChunkCommon< ElementType, DiscreteDomain< DDims... >, LayoutStridedPolicy > | |
▼CChunkSpan | |
Cslicer | |
CChunkSpan< ElementType, DiscreteDomain< DDims... >, LayoutStridedPolicy, MemorySpace > | |
CConstantExtrapolationRule | |
CConstantExtrapolationRule< DimI > | A functor for describing a spline boundary value by a constant extrapolation for 1D evaluator |
CConstantExtrapolationRule< DimI, DimNI > | A functor for describing a spline boundary value by a constant extrapolation for 2D evaluator |
Ccoordinate_of | |
CDeriv | A templated struct representing a discrete dimension storing the derivatives of a function along a continuous dimension CDim |
CDiscreteDomain | |
CDiscreteDomain<> | |
CDiscreteDomainIterator | |
CDiscreteElement | A DiscreteElement identifies an element of the discrete dimension |
CDiscreteVector | A DiscreteVector is a vector in the discrete dimension |
CFourier | A templated tag representing a continuous dimension in the Fourier space associated to the original continuous dimension |
CGrevilleInterpolationPoints | A class which provides helper functions to initialise the Greville points from a B-Spline definition |
Cis_discrete_domain | |
Cis_discrete_domain< DiscreteDomain< Tags... > > | |
Cis_discrete_element | |
Cis_discrete_element< DiscreteElement< Tags... > > | |
Cis_discrete_vector | |
Cis_discrete_vector< DiscreteVector< Tags... > > | |
Cis_non_uniform_bsplines | |
Cis_non_uniform_point_sampling | |
Cis_periodic_sampling | |
Cis_storage_discrete_domain | |
Cis_storage_discrete_domain< StorageDiscreteDomain< Tags... > > | |
Cis_strided_discrete_domain | |
Cis_strided_discrete_domain< StridedDiscreteDomain< Tags... > > | |
Cis_uniform_bsplines | |
Cis_uniform_point_sampling | |
CKnotDiscreteDimension | If the type DDim is a B-spline, defines type to the discrete dimension of the associated knots |
CKnotsAsInterpolationPoints | Helper class for the initialisation of the mesh of interpolation points |
▼CKokkosAllocator | |
Crebind | |
CkwArgs_fft | A structure embedding the configuration of the exposed FFT function with the type of normalization |
▼CNonUniformBSplines | The type of a non-uniform 1D spline basis (B-spline) |
CImpl | Storage class of the static attributes of the discrete dimension |
CNonUniformBsplinesKnots | |
▼CNonUniformPointSampling | NonUniformPointSampling models a non-uniform discretization of the CDim segment \([a, b]\) |
CImpl | |
CNullExtrapolationRule | A functor describing a null extrapolation boundary value for 1D spline evaluator |
CPdiEvent | |
CPeriodicExtrapolationRule | |
▼CPeriodicSampling | PeriodicSampling models a periodic discretization of the provided continuous dimension |
CImpl | |
CScopeGuard | |
CSplineBuilder | A class for creating a spline approximation of a function |
CSplineBuilder2D | A class for creating a 2D spline approximation of a function |
CSplineEvaluator | A class to evaluate, differentiate or integrate a spline function |
CSplineEvaluator2D | A class to evaluate, differentiate or integrate a 2D spline function |
CStorageDiscreteDomain | |
CStorageDiscreteDomain<> | |
CStorageDiscreteDomainIterator | |
CStridedDiscreteDomain | |
CStridedDiscreteDomain<> | |
CStridedDiscreteDomainIterator | |
▼CUniformBSplines | The type of a uniform 1D spline basis (B-spline) |
CImpl | Storage class of the static attributes of the discrete dimension |
CUniformBsplinesKnots | |
▼CUniformPointSampling | UniformPointSampling models a uniform discretization of the provided continuous dimension |
CImpl | |