template<class T , std::size_t NT, class U , std::size_t NU> |
constexpr bool | operator== (AlignedAllocator< T, NT > const &, AlignedAllocator< U, NU > const &) noexcept |
template<class T , std::size_t NT, class U , std::size_t NU> |
constexpr bool | operator!= (AlignedAllocator< T, NT > const &, AlignedAllocator< U, NU > const &) noexcept |
template<class SupportType , class Allocator > |
| Chunk (std::string const &, SupportType const &, Allocator) -> Chunk< typename Allocator::value_type, SupportType, Allocator > |
template<class SupportType , class Allocator > |
| Chunk (SupportType const &, Allocator) -> Chunk< typename Allocator::value_type, SupportType, Allocator > |
template<class... QueryDDims, class ChunkType > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION auto | get_domain (ChunkType const &chunk) noexcept |
| Access the domain (or subdomain) of a view.
template<class DataType , class... Properties, class SupportType > |
KOKKOS_DEDUCTION_GUIDE | ChunkSpan (Kokkos::View< DataType, Properties... > const &view, SupportType domain) -> ChunkSpan< detail::kokkos_to_mdspan_element_t< typename Kokkos::View< DataType, Properties... >::data_type >, SupportType, detail::kokkos_to_mdspan_layout_t< typename Kokkos::View< DataType, Properties... >::array_layout >, typename Kokkos::View< DataType, Properties... >::memory_space > |
template<class ElementType , class SupportType , class Allocator > |
| ChunkSpan (Chunk< ElementType, SupportType, Allocator > &other) -> ChunkSpan< ElementType, SupportType, Kokkos::layout_right, typename Allocator::memory_space > |
template<class ElementType , class SupportType , class Allocator > |
| ChunkSpan (Chunk< ElementType, SupportType, Allocator > const &other) -> ChunkSpan< const ElementType, SupportType, Kokkos::layout_right, typename Allocator::memory_space > |
template<class... DDim, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(DDim) > 1), int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type... > | coordinate (DiscreteElement< DDim... > const &c) |
template<class Space , class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror (Space const &space, ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
template<class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror (ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
| Equivalent to create_mirror(Kokkos::HostSpace(), src) .
template<class Space , class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_and_copy (Space const &space, ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
template<class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_and_copy (ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
| Equivalent to create_mirror_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), src) .
template<class Space , class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_view (Space const &space, ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
template<class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_view (ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
| Equivalent to create_mirror_view(Kokkos::HostSpace(), src) .
template<class Space , class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_view_and_copy (Space const &space, ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
template<class ElementType , class Support , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
auto | create_mirror_view_and_copy (ChunkSpan< ElementType, Support, Layout, MemorySpace > const &src) |
| Equivalent to create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), src) .
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteDomain< QueryDDims... > | select (DiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) |
template<class... DDimsA, class... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (DiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, DiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... DDimsB, class... DDimsA> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (DiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a) noexcept |
| Remove the dimensions DDimsB from DDom_a.
template<typename DDim1 , typename DDim2 , typename... DDimsA, typename... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | replace_dim_of (DiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, DiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< QueryDDims... > | extents (DiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | front (DiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | back (DiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElementType const & | uid (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &tuple) noexcept |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElementType & | uid (DiscreteElement< Tag > &tuple) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElementType const & | uid (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &tuple) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElementType & | uid (DiscreteElement< Tags... > &tuple) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElementType const & | uid_or (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &tuple, DiscreteElementType const &default_value) noexcept |
template<class... QueryTags, class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryTags... > | select (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &arr) noexcept |
template<class... QueryTags, class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryTags... > | select (DiscreteElement< Tags... > &&arr) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class HeadDElem , class... TailDElems, std::enable_if_t< is_discrete_element_v< HeadDElem > &&(is_discrete_element_v< TailDElems > &&...), int > = 1> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto const & | take (HeadDElem const &head, TailDElems const &... tail) |
| Returns a reference towards the DiscreteElement that contains the QueryTag.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DiscreteElement<> const &) |
template<class Head , class... Tags> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DiscreteElement< Head, Tags... > const &arr) |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator== (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< OTags... > const &rhs) noexcept |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator!= (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< OTags... > const &rhs) noexcept |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator< (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator<= (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator> (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator>= (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< Tags... > | operator+ (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< OTags... > const &rhs) |
| right external binary operators: +, -
template<class Tag , class IntegralType , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>, class = std::enable_if_t<!is_discrete_vector_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< Tag > | operator+ (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, IntegralType const &rhs) |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< Tags... > | operator- (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< OTags... > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag , class IntegralType , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>, class = std::enable_if_t<!is_discrete_vector_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< Tag > | operator- (DiscreteElement< Tag > const &lhs, IntegralType const &rhs) |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tags... > | operator- (DiscreteElement< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteElement< OTags... > const &rhs) |
| binary operator: -
template<class DDim , class... Args> |
void | init_discrete_space (Args &&... args) |
| Initialize (emplace) a global singleton discrete space.
template<class DDim , class DDimImpl , class Arg0 > |
Arg0 | init_discrete_space (std::tuple< DDimImpl, Arg0 > &&a) |
| Move construct a global singleton discrete space and pass through the other argument.
template<class DDim , class DDimImpl , class Arg0 , class Arg1 , class... Args> |
std::tuple< Arg0, Arg1, Args... > | init_discrete_space (std::tuple< DDimImpl, Arg0, Arg1, Args... > &&a) |
| Move construct a global singleton discrete space and pass through remaining arguments.
template<class DDim , class MemorySpace = DDC_CURRENT_KOKKOS_SPACE> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION detail::ddim_impl_t< DDim, MemorySpace > const & | discrete_space () |
template<class DDim > |
bool | is_discrete_space_initialized () noexcept |
template<class DDim > |
detail::ddim_impl_t< DDim, Kokkos::HostSpace > const & | host_discrete_space () |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVectorElement const & | get (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &tuple) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVectorElement & | get (DiscreteVector< Tags... > &tuple) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVectorElement const & | get_or (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &tuple, DiscreteVectorElement const &default_value) noexcept |
template<class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tags... > | operator+ (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &x) |
| Unary operators: +, -.
template<class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tags... > | operator- (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &x) |
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | operator+ (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< OTags... > const &rhs) |
| Internal binary operators: +, -.
template<class... Tags, class... OTags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | operator- (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< OTags... > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag , class IntegralType , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tag > | operator+ (DiscreteVector< Tag > const &lhs, IntegralType const &rhs) |
template<class IntegralType , class Tag , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tag > | operator+ (IntegralType const &lhs, DiscreteVector< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag , class IntegralType , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tag > | operator- (DiscreteVector< Tag > const &lhs, IntegralType const &rhs) |
template<class IntegralType , class Tag , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< Tag > | operator- (IntegralType const &lhs, DiscreteVector< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class IntegralType , class... Tags, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntegralType>>> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | operator* (IntegralType const &lhs, DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &rhs) |
| external left binary operator: *
template<class... QueryTags, class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< QueryTags... > | select (DiscreteVector< Tags... > const &arr) noexcept |
template<class... QueryTags, class... Tags> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< QueryTags... > | select (DiscreteVector< Tags... > &&arr) noexcept |
template<class QueryTag , class HeadDVect , class... TailDVects, std::enable_if_t< is_discrete_vector_v< HeadDVect > &&(is_discrete_vector_v< TailDVects > &&...), int > = 1> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto const & | take (HeadDVect const &head, TailDVects const &... tail) |
| Returns a reference towards the DiscreteVector that contains the QueryTag.
template<class Tag > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator< (DiscreteVector< Tag > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< Tag > const &rhs) |
template<class Tag , class IntegralType > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr bool | operator< (DiscreteVector< Tag > const &lhs, IntegralType const &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DiscreteVector<> const &) |
template<class Head , class... Tags> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DiscreteVector< Head, Tags... > const &arr) |
template<class Support , class Functor > |
void | for_each (Support const &domain, Functor &&f) noexcept |
| iterates over a nD domain in serial
template<typename DDimFx , typename DDimX > |
DDimFx::template Impl< DDimFx, Kokkos::HostSpace > | init_fourier_space (ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimX > x_mesh) |
| Initialize a Fourier discrete dimension.
template<typename... DDimFx, typename... DDimX> |
ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimFx... > | fourier_mesh (ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimX... > x_mesh, bool C2C) |
| Get the Fourier mesh.
template<typename Tin , typename Tout , typename... DDimFx, typename... DDimX, typename ExecSpace , typename MemorySpace , typename LayoutIn , typename LayoutOut > |
void | fft (ExecSpace const &exec_space, ddc::ChunkSpan< Tout, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimFx... >, LayoutOut, MemorySpace > out, ddc::ChunkSpan< Tin, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimX... >, LayoutIn, MemorySpace > in, ddc::kwArgs_fft kwargs={ddc::FFT_Normalization::OFF}) |
| Perform a direct Fast Fourier Transform.
template<typename Tin , typename Tout , typename... DDimX, typename... DDimFx, typename ExecSpace , typename MemorySpace , typename LayoutIn , typename LayoutOut > |
void | ifft (ExecSpace const &exec_space, ddc::ChunkSpan< Tout, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimX... >, LayoutOut, MemorySpace > out, ddc::ChunkSpan< Tin, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDimFx... >, LayoutIn, MemorySpace > in, ddc::kwArgs_fft kwargs={ddc::FFT_Normalization::OFF}) |
| Perform an inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
template<class ExecSpace , class DDim , class Layout , class MemorySpace > |
ddc::ChunkSpan< double, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDim >, Layout, MemorySpace > | integrals (ExecSpace const &execution_space, ddc::ChunkSpan< double, ddc::DiscreteDomain< DDim >, Layout, MemorySpace > int_vals) |
| Compute the integrals of the B-splines.
constexpr int | n_boundary_equations (ddc::BoundCond const bc, std::size_t const degree) |
| Return the number of equations needed to describe a given boundary condition.
template<class T , class MST , class U , class MSU > |
constexpr bool | operator== (KokkosAllocator< T, MST > const &, KokkosAllocator< U, MSU > const &) noexcept |
template<class T , class MST , class U , class MSU > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (KokkosAllocator< T, MST > const &, KokkosAllocator< U, MSU > const &) noexcept |
template<class DDimImpl , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< typename DDimImpl::discrete_dimension_type >, int > = 0> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DDimImpl const &mesh) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | coordinate (DiscreteElement< DDim > const &c) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | distance_at_left (DiscreteElement< DDim > i) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | distance_at_right (DiscreteElement< DDim > i) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | rmin (DiscreteDomain< DDim > const &d) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | rmax (DiscreteDomain< DDim > const &d) |
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_non_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | rlength (DiscreteDomain< DDim > const &d) |
template<class ChunkDst , class ChunkSrc > |
auto | parallel_deepcopy (ChunkDst &&dst, ChunkSrc &&src) |
| Copy the content of a borrowed chunk into another.
template<class ExecSpace , class ChunkDst , class ChunkSrc > |
auto | parallel_deepcopy (ExecSpace const &execution_space, ChunkDst &&dst, ChunkSrc &&src) |
| Copy the content of a borrowed chunk into another.
template<class ChunkDst , class T > |
auto | parallel_fill (ChunkDst &&dst, T const &value) |
| Fill a borrowed chunk with a given value.
template<class ExecSpace , class ChunkDst , class T > |
auto | parallel_fill (ExecSpace const &execution_space, ChunkDst &&dst, T const &value) |
| Fill a borrowed chunk with a given value.
template<class ExecSpace , class Support , class Functor > |
void | parallel_for_each (std::string const &label, ExecSpace const &execution_space, Support const &domain, Functor &&f) noexcept |
| iterates over a nD domain using a given Kokkos execution space
template<class ExecSpace , class Support , class Functor > |
std::enable_if_t< Kokkos::is_execution_space_v< ExecSpace > > | parallel_for_each (ExecSpace const &execution_space, Support const &domain, Functor &&f) noexcept |
| iterates over a nD domain using a given Kokkos execution space
template<class Support , class Functor > |
void | parallel_for_each (std::string const &label, Support const &domain, Functor &&f) noexcept |
| iterates over a nD domain using the Kokkos default execution space
template<class Support , class Functor > |
void | parallel_for_each (Support const &domain, Functor &&f) noexcept |
| iterates over a nD domain using the Kokkos default execution space
template<class ExecSpace , class Support , class T , class BinaryReductionOp , class UnaryTransformOp > |
T | parallel_transform_reduce (std::string const &label, ExecSpace const &execution_space, Support const &domain, T neutral, BinaryReductionOp &&reduce, UnaryTransformOp &&transform) noexcept |
| A reduction over a nD domain using a given Kokkos execution space.
template<class ExecSpace , class Support , class T , class BinaryReductionOp , class UnaryTransformOp > |
std::enable_if_t< Kokkos::is_execution_space_v< ExecSpace >, T > | parallel_transform_reduce (ExecSpace const &execution_space, Support const &domain, T neutral, BinaryReductionOp &&reduce, UnaryTransformOp &&transform) noexcept |
| A reduction over a nD domain using a given Kokkos execution space.
template<class Support , class T , class BinaryReductionOp , class UnaryTransformOp > |
T | parallel_transform_reduce (std::string const &label, Support const &domain, T neutral, BinaryReductionOp &&reduce, UnaryTransformOp &&transform) noexcept |
| A reduction over a nD domain using the Kokkos default execution space.
template<class Support , class T , class BinaryReductionOp , class UnaryTransformOp > |
T | parallel_transform_reduce (Support const &domain, T neutral, BinaryReductionOp &&reduce, UnaryTransformOp &&transform) noexcept |
| A reduction over a nD domain using the Kokkos default execution space.
template<PDI_inout_t access, class DataType > |
void | expose_to_pdi (std::string const &name, DataType &&data) |
template<class DataType > |
void | expose_to_pdi (std::string const &name, DataType &&data) |
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_periodic_sampling_v< DDim >, Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > > | origin () noexcept |
| Lower bound index of the mesh.
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_periodic_sampling_v< DDim >, DiscreteElement< DDim > > | front () noexcept |
| Lower bound index of the mesh.
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_periodic_sampling_v< DDim >, Real > | step () noexcept |
| Spacing step of the mesh.
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr StorageDiscreteDomain< QueryDDims... > | select (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) |
template<class... DDimsA, class... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, StorageDiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... DDimsB, class... DDimsA> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a) noexcept |
| Remove the dimensions DDimsB from DDom_a.
template<typename DDim1 , typename DDim2 , typename... DDimsA, typename... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | replace_dim_of (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, StorageDiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< QueryDDims... > | extents (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | front (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | back (StorageDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... ODDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION DiscreteVector< ODDims... > | prod (DiscreteVector< ODDims... > const &lhs, DiscreteVector< ODDims... > const &rhs) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr StridedDiscreteDomain< QueryDDims... > | select (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) |
template<class... DDimsA, class... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, StridedDiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... DDimsB, class... DDimsA> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | remove_dims_of (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a) noexcept |
| Remove the dimensions DDimsB from DDom_a.
template<typename DDim1 , typename DDim2 , typename... DDimsA, typename... DDimsB> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr auto | replace_dim_of (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDimsA... > const &DDom_a, StridedDiscreteDomain< DDimsB... > const &DDom_b) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteVector< QueryDDims... > | extents (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | front (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class... QueryDDims, class... DDims> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr DiscreteElement< QueryDDims... > | back (StridedDiscreteDomain< DDims... > const &domain) noexcept |
template<class Support , class T , class BinaryReductionOp , class UnaryTransformOp > |
T | transform_reduce (Support const &domain, T neutral, BinaryReductionOp &&reduce, UnaryTransformOp &&transform) noexcept |
| A reduction over a nD domain in serial.
template<class DDim > |
DiscreteDomain< DDim > | init_trivial_space (DiscreteVector< DDim > const n) noexcept |
| Construct a dimension without attributes.
template<class DDim , std::enable_if_t< is_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, int > = 0> |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION constexpr Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > | coordinate (DiscreteElement< DDim > const &c) |
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, Coordinate< typename DDim::continuous_dimension_type > > | origin () noexcept |
| Lower bound index of the mesh.
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, DiscreteElement< DDim > > | front () noexcept |
| Lower bound index of the mesh.
template<class DDim > |
KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< is_uniform_point_sampling_v< DDim >, Real > | step () noexcept |
| Spacing step of the mesh.