DDC 0.5.2
No Matches
ddc::SplineEvaluator2D< ExecSpace, MemorySpace, BSplines1, BSplines2, EvaluationDDim1, EvaluationDDim2, LowerExtrapolationRule1, UpperExtrapolationRule1, LowerExtrapolationRule2, UpperExtrapolationRule2 > Class Template Reference

A class to evaluate, differentiate or integrate a 2D spline function. More...

#include <spline_evaluator_2d.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for ddc::SplineEvaluator2D< ExecSpace, MemorySpace, BSplines1, BSplines2, EvaluationDDim1, EvaluationDDim2, LowerExtrapolationRule1, UpperExtrapolationRule1, LowerExtrapolationRule2, UpperExtrapolationRule2 >:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

using continuous_dimension_type1 = typename BSplines1::continuous_dimension_type
 The type of the first evaluation continuous dimension used by this class.
using continuous_dimension_type2 = typename BSplines2::continuous_dimension_type
 The type of the second evaluation continuous dimension used by this class.
using exec_space = ExecSpace
 The type of the Kokkos execution space used by this class.
using memory_space = MemorySpace
 The type of the Kokkos memory space used by this class.
using evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1 = EvaluationDDim1
 The type of the first discrete dimension of interest used by this class.
using evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2 = EvaluationDDim2
 The type of the second discrete dimension of interest used by this class.
using bsplines_type1 = BSplines1
 The discrete dimension representing the B-splines along first dimension.
using bsplines_type2 = BSplines2
 The discrete dimension representing the B-splines along second dimension.
using evaluation_domain_type1 = ddc::DiscreteDomain< evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1 >
 The type of the domain for the 1D evaluation mesh along first dimension used by this class.
using evaluation_domain_type2 = ddc::DiscreteDomain< evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2 >
 The type of the domain for the 1D evaluation mesh along second dimension used by this class.
using evaluation_domain_type = ddc::DiscreteDomain< evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1, evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2 >
 The type of the domain for the 2D evaluation mesh used by this class.
template<class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class = std::enable_if_t<ddc::is_discrete_domain_v<BatchedInterpolationDDom>>>
using batched_evaluation_domain_type = BatchedInterpolationDDom
 The type of the whole domain representing evaluation points.
using spline_domain_type1 = ddc::DiscreteDomain< bsplines_type1 >
 The type of the 1D spline domain corresponding to the first dimension of interest.
using spline_domain_type2 = ddc::DiscreteDomain< bsplines_type2 >
 The type of the 1D spline domain corresponding to the second dimension of interest.
using spline_domain_type = ddc::DiscreteDomain< bsplines_type1, bsplines_type2 >
 The type of the 2D spline domain corresponding to the dimensions of interest.
template<class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class = std::enable_if_t<ddc::is_discrete_domain_v<BatchedInterpolationDDom>>>
using batch_domain_type = typename ddc::remove_dims_of_t< BatchedInterpolationDDom, evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1, evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2 >
 The type of the batch domain (obtained by removing the dimensions of interest from the whole domain).
template<class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class = std::enable_if_t<ddc::is_discrete_domain_v<BatchedInterpolationDDom>>>
using batched_spline_domain_type = typename ddc::detail::convert_type_seq_to_discrete_domain_t< ddc::type_seq_replace_t< ddc::to_type_seq_t< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, ddc::detail::TypeSeq< evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1, evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2 >, ddc::detail::TypeSeq< bsplines_type1, bsplines_type2 > > >
 The type of the whole spline domain (cartesian product of 2D spline domain and batch domain) preserving the underlying memory layout (order of dimensions).
using lower_extrapolation_rule_1_type = LowerExtrapolationRule1
 The type of the extrapolation rule at the lower boundary along the first dimension.
using upper_extrapolation_rule_1_type = UpperExtrapolationRule1
 The type of the extrapolation rule at the upper boundary along the first dimension.
using lower_extrapolation_rule_2_type = LowerExtrapolationRule2
 The type of the extrapolation rule at the lower boundary along the second dimension.
using upper_extrapolation_rule_2_type = UpperExtrapolationRule2
 The type of the extrapolation rule at the upper boundary along the second dimension.

Public Member Functions

 SplineEvaluator2D (LowerExtrapolationRule1 const &lower_extrap_rule1, UpperExtrapolationRule1 const &upper_extrap_rule1, LowerExtrapolationRule2 const &lower_extrap_rule2, UpperExtrapolationRule2 const &upper_extrap_rule2)
 Build a SplineEvaluator2D acting on batched_spline_domain.
 SplineEvaluator2D (SplineEvaluator2D const &x)=default
 SplineEvaluator2D (SplineEvaluator2D &&x)=default
 ~SplineEvaluator2D ()=default
SplineEvaluator2Doperator= (SplineEvaluator2D const &x)=default
SplineEvaluator2Doperator= (SplineEvaluator2D &&x)=default
lower_extrapolation_rule_1_type lower_extrapolation_rule_dim_1 () const
 Get the lower extrapolation rule along the first dimension.
upper_extrapolation_rule_1_type upper_extrapolation_rule_dim_1 () const
 Get the upper extrapolation rule along the first dimension.
lower_extrapolation_rule_2_type lower_extrapolation_rule_dim_2 () const
 Get the lower extrapolation rule along the second dimension.
upper_extrapolation_rule_2_type upper_extrapolation_rule_dim_2 () const
 Get the upper extrapolation rule along the second dimension.
template<class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double operator() (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void operator() (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void operator() (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh.
template<class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double deriv_dim_1 (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along first dimension of interest.
template<class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double deriv_dim_2 (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along second dimension of interest.
template<class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double deriv_1_and_2 (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate.
template<class InterestDim , class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double deriv (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along a specified dimension of interest.
template<class InterestDim1 , class InterestDim2 , class Layout , class... CoordsDims>
KOKKOS_FUNCTION double deriv2 (ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const &coord_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, spline_domain_type, Layout, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along specified dimensions of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void deriv_dim_1 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along first dimension of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void deriv_dim_1 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along first dimension of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void deriv_dim_2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along second dimension of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void deriv_dim_2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along second dimension of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void deriv_1_and_2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along dimensions of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void deriv_1_and_2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along dimensions of interest.
template<class InterestDim , class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void deriv (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along a specified dimension of interest.
template<class InterestDim , class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void deriv (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Differentiate spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along a specified dimension of interest.
template<class InterestDim1 , class InterestDim2 , class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class Layout3 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom , class... CoordsDims>
void deriv2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< ddc::Coordinate< CoordsDims... > const, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const coords_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout3, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along specified dimensions of interest.
template<class InterestDim1 , class InterestDim2 , class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedInterpolationDDom >
void deriv2 (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedInterpolationDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const spline_eval, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, batched_spline_domain_type< BatchedInterpolationDDom >, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along specified dimensions of interest.
template<class Layout1 , class Layout2 , class BatchedDDom , class BatchedSplineDDom >
void integrate (ddc::ChunkSpan< double, BatchedDDom, Layout1, memory_space > const integrals, ddc::ChunkSpan< double const, BatchedSplineDDom, Layout2, memory_space > const spline_coef) const
 Perform batched 2D integrations of a spline function (described by its spline coefficients) along the dimensions of interest and store results on a subdomain of batch_domain.

Detailed Description

template<class ExecSpace, class MemorySpace, class BSplines1, class BSplines2, class EvaluationDDim1, class EvaluationDDim2, class LowerExtrapolationRule1, class UpperExtrapolationRule1, class LowerExtrapolationRule2, class UpperExtrapolationRule2>
class ddc::SplineEvaluator2D< ExecSpace, MemorySpace, BSplines1, BSplines2, EvaluationDDim1, EvaluationDDim2, LowerExtrapolationRule1, UpperExtrapolationRule1, LowerExtrapolationRule2, UpperExtrapolationRule2 >

A class to evaluate, differentiate or integrate a 2D spline function.

A class which contains an operator () which can be used to evaluate, differentiate or integrate a 2D spline function.

Template Parameters
ExecSpaceThe Kokkos execution space on which the spline evaluation is performed.
MemorySpaceThe Kokkos memory space on which the data (spline coefficients and evaluation) is stored.
BSplines1The discrete dimension representing the B-splines along the first dimension of interest.
BSplines2The discrete dimension representing the B-splines along the second dimension of interest.
EvaluationDDim1The first discrete dimension on which evaluation points are defined.
EvaluationDDim2The second discrete dimension on which evaluation points are defined.
LowerExtrapolationRule1The lower extrapolation rule type along first dimension of interest.
UpperExtrapolationRule1The upper extrapolation rule type along first dimension of interest.
LowerExtrapolationRule2The lower extrapolation rule type along second dimension of interest.
UpperExtrapolationRule2The upper extrapolation rule type along second dimension of interest.

Definition at line 47 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ continuous_dimension_type1

◆ continuous_dimension_type2

◆ exec_space

◆ memory_space

◆ evaluation_discrete_dimension_type1

◆ evaluation_discrete_dimension_type2

◆ bsplines_type1

◆ bsplines_type2

◆ evaluation_domain_type1

◆ evaluation_domain_type2

◆ evaluation_domain_type

◆ batched_evaluation_domain_type

The type of the whole domain representing evaluation points.

Template Parameters
Thebatched discrete domain on which the interpolation points are defined.

Definition at line 108 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ spline_domain_type1

◆ spline_domain_type2

◆ spline_domain_type

◆ batch_domain_type

The type of the batch domain (obtained by removing the dimensions of interest from the whole domain).

Template Parameters
Thebatched discrete domain on which the interpolation points are defined.

Definition at line 128 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ batched_spline_domain_type

The type of the whole spline domain (cartesian product of 2D spline domain and batch domain) preserving the underlying memory layout (order of dimensions).

Template Parameters
Thebatched discrete domain on which the interpolation points are defined.

Definition at line 142 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ lower_extrapolation_rule_1_type

◆ upper_extrapolation_rule_1_type

◆ lower_extrapolation_rule_2_type

◆ upper_extrapolation_rule_2_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SplineEvaluator2D() [1/3]

Build a SplineEvaluator2D acting on batched_spline_domain.

lower_extrap_rule1The extrapolation rule at the lower boundary along the first dimension.
upper_extrap_rule1The extrapolation rule at the upper boundary along the first dimension.
lower_extrap_rule2The extrapolation rule at the lower boundary along the second dimension.
upper_extrap_rule2The extrapolation rule at the upper boundary along the second dimension.
See also
NullExtrapolationRule ConstantExtrapolationRule PeriodicExtrapolationRule

Definition at line 248 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ SplineEvaluator2D() [2/3]

◆ SplineEvaluator2D() [3/3]

◆ ~SplineEvaluator2D()

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

◆ operator=() [2/2]

◆ lower_extrapolation_rule_dim_1()

Get the lower extrapolation rule along the first dimension.

Extrapolation rules are functors used to define the behavior of the SplineEvaluator out of the domain where the break points of the B-splines are defined.

The lower extrapolation rule along the first dimension.
See also
NullExtrapolationRule ConstantExtrapolationRule PeriodicExtrapolationRule

Definition at line 302 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ upper_extrapolation_rule_dim_1()

Get the upper extrapolation rule along the first dimension.

Extrapolation rules are functors used to define the behavior of the SplineEvaluator out of the domain where the break points of the B-splines are defined.

The upper extrapolation rule along the first dimension.
See also
NullExtrapolationRule ConstantExtrapolationRule PeriodicExtrapolationRule

Definition at line 316 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ lower_extrapolation_rule_dim_2()

Get the lower extrapolation rule along the second dimension.

Extrapolation rules are functors used to define the behavior of the SplineEvaluator out of the domain where the break points of the B-splines are defined.

The lower extrapolation rule along the second dimension.
See also
NullExtrapolationRule ConstantExtrapolationRule PeriodicExtrapolationRule

Definition at line 330 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ upper_extrapolation_rule_dim_2()

Get the upper extrapolation rule along the second dimension.

Extrapolation rules are functors used to define the behavior of the SplineEvaluator out of the domain where the break points of the B-splines are defined.

The upper extrapolation rule along the second dimension.
See also
NullExtrapolationRule ConstantExtrapolationRule PeriodicExtrapolationRule

Definition at line 344 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ operator()() [1/3]

Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

Remark: calling SplineBuilder2D then SplineEvaluator2D corresponds to a 2D spline interpolation.

coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is evaluated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The value of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 362 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ operator()() [2/3]

Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Remark: calling SplineBuilder2D then SplineEvaluator2D corresponds to a 2D spline interpolation.

[out]spline_evalThe values of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type.
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is evaluated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 396 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ operator()() [3/3]

Evaluate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Remark: calling SplineBuilder2D then SplineEvaluator2D corresponds to a 2D spline interpolation.

[out]spline_evalThe values of the 2D spline function at their coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 447 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_1() [1/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along first dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is differentiated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The derivative of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 490 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_2() [1/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along second dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is differentiated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The derivative of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 510 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_1_and_2() [1/3]

Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is differentiated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The derivative of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 530 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv() [1/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along a specified dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

Template Parameters
InterestDimDimension along which differentiation is performed.
coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is differentiated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The derivative of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 552 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv2() [1/3]

Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) at a given coordinate along specified dimensions of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

Note: double-differentiation other than cross-differentiation is not supported atm. See #440

Template Parameters
InterestDim1First dimension along which differentiation is performed.
InterestDim2Second dimension along which differentiation is performed.
coord_evalThe coordinate where the spline is double-differentiated. Note that only the components along the dimensions of interest are used.
spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.
The derivative of the spline function at the desired coordinate.

Definition at line 590 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_1() [2/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along first dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD evaluation. This is a batched 2D differentiation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the differentiation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is differentiated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 633 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_1() [3/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along first dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 684 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_2() [2/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along second dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD differentiation. This is a batched 2D differentiation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the differentiation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type.
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is differentiated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 741 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_dim_2() [3/3]

Differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along second dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 792 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_1_and_2() [2/3]

Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along dimensions of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD cross-differentiation. This is a batched 2D cross-differentiation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the cross-differentiation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe cross-derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type.
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is differentiated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 849 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv_1_and_2() [3/3]

Cross-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along dimensions of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

[out]spline_evalThe cross-derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 900 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv() [2/3]

Differentiate spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along a specified dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD evaluation. This is a batched 2D differentiation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the differentiation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Template Parameters
InterestDimDimension along which differentiation is performed.
[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type.
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is differentiated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 959 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv() [3/3]

Differentiate spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along a specified dimension of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Template Parameters
InterestDimDimension along which differentiation is performed.
[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 1006 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv2() [2/3]

Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along specified dimensions of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD evaluation. This is a batched 2D differentiation. This means that for each slice of coordinates identified by a batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type, the differentiation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Note: double-differentiation other than cross-differentiation is not supported atm. See #440

Template Parameters
InterestDim1First dimension along which differentiation is performed.
InterestDim2Second dimension along which differentiation is performed.
[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type.
[in]coords_evalThe coordinates where the spline is differentiated. Those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batched_evaluation_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant (but the points themselves (DiscreteElement) are used to select the set of 2D spline coefficients retained to perform the evaluation).
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 1064 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ deriv2() [3/3]

Double-differentiate 2D spline function (described by its spline coefficients) on a mesh along specified dimensions of interest.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a cartesian product of batch_domain and B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a multidimensional evaluation. This is a batched 2D evaluation. This means that for each slice of spline_eval the evaluation is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same batch_domain_type::discrete_element_type.

Note: double-differentiation other than cross-differentiation is not supported atm. See #440

Template Parameters
InterestDim1First dimension along which differentiation is performed.
InterestDim2Second dimension along which differentiation is performed.
[out]spline_evalThe derivatives of the 2D spline function at the desired coordinates.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 1114 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

◆ integrate()

Perform batched 2D integrations of a spline function (described by its spline coefficients) along the dimensions of interest and store results on a subdomain of batch_domain.

The spline coefficients represent a 2D spline function defined on a B-splines (basis splines). They can be obtained via various methods, such as using a SplineBuilder2D.

This is not a nD integration. This is a batched 2D integration. This means that for each element of integrals, the integration is performed with the 2D set of spline coefficients identified by the same DiscreteElement.

[out]integralsThe integrals of the 2D spline function on the subdomain of batch_domain. For practical reasons those are stored in a ChunkSpan defined on a batch_domain_type. Note that the coordinates of the points represented by this domain are unused and irrelevant.
[in]spline_coefA ChunkSpan storing the 2D spline coefficients.

Definition at line 1149 of file spline_evaluator_2d.hpp.

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